

ITE8 has the positions open for application.
Last Update: March 2022

Technical Team X 2

Technical Team X 2

We are looking for Level 1,2 and 3 Technicans to join the family and work with our valued clients.

Depending on your proven skill level you will grow with our team which we class as family.

Sales/Marketing Team

Sales/Marketing Team

We are looking for an enthusiastic talented sales/marketing member to join the ITE8 Family

You will be participating in a large range of sales & marketing activities to ensure we can provide exceptional value to those in need of our skills.

Admin Team

Admin Team

We are looking to expand our Admin team and offer applications of interest for:

Office Admin
Financial Admin

You will be part of the team responsible for financial and important new updates for our existing valued customers.

Endpoint Security Team

Endpoint Security Team

We are looking for a skilled talented person to join our Endpoint Security Team.

You will be responsible for testing existing risk vectors, creating a mitigation strategy and demonstrating policy protection.

Please provide your CV and Resume to

We look forward to learning about you.